The Braahmanas
in Dasaratha's retinue said to one another: "Because his father was killed by a king,
Parasuraama took a vow to destroy the Kshatriya race. We dared to hope that his vengeful
wrath had been quenched in the blood of the innumerable kings he has slain. Has he again
started his cruel campaign" However, they honored him with the customary offering of
water. After receiving it, Parasuraama addressed
himself to Rama: "Son of Dasaratha, I have heard of your prowess. I was somewhat
surprised to learn that you strung the bow in King Janaka's court and that you drew the
string till the bow broke. Here is my bow, equal in all. Respects to the one that you
broke. This is the bow of Vishnu which was entrusted to my father. If you are able to
string this bow, you will be worthy of my battle." |