Thus Seeta ended with a stern warning. Raavana controlled his anger and spoke:
"O Seeta, doting on this spurious
ascetic Raama, you talk foolishly and repay my loving words with insult and contumely.
Because of my love for you, I have refrained, else you would be dead by now. Of the time I
had allowed you, two months more remain. Change your mind before they pass. Be my wife and
come to my bed. If you refuse, you will be sent to my kitchen and cooked for my meal.
It was well-known that the food of the
Raakshasas included human flesh. Hence this threat of Raavana was no exaggeration, but
conveyed a clear possibility. Yet Seeta was unafraid, and answered:
"Alas! Alas! Is there none to give you
good advice? Have you no friend to save you from this sin and put you on the path of
virtue? You cannot escape Raama's punishment. |