As the ministers extolled the strength of the enemy, Raavana's rage grew more and
more furious. This is the way of a tyrant. The wise king is never angry with those who
bring him true information or with ministers who give him good advice for his welfare. But
now Raavana's mind was confused. He had no use for true facts or good advice.
His thought followed a strange line. He
judged Raama by his own character. He thought that, if Seeta could be made somehow to
yield to him, Raama would return home disgraced and broken hearted. Hence be resolved to
make one last attempt with a different technique.
He sought the help of a Raakshasa sorcerer.
"Oh, Lightning-Tongue!" he said (that was his name), "prepare a head which
looks so exactly like Raama's that it will deceive Raama's nearest and dearest into
believing it is his. When I send for you, come to the park where Seeta is incarcerated and
place it before her."
The sorcerer agreed to do as he was bidden. |