unconscious till now, opened his eyes for the last time and addressing Sugreeva said:
"Brother, we two could have been friends and reigned happily over the kingdom; but it
was not given to us to be so wise and happy. I am more to blame than you, but why talk
about that now? Hereafter you shall rule the kingdom. I have entrusted to you Angada, my
son, dearer than life itself to Taara and me. He is a warrior equal to you in prowess. Be
a father to him and look after him with kindness. This
is my only request to you. And be kind to Taara who was not only a blame less and
affectionate wife, but also a very wise and far-sighted counsellor. Whatever she foretells
is bound to happen. Do not disregard her advice on any matter. Here, take the necklace
that Indra gave me and take with it its secret power. My life is over and so is my
resentment. May you be happy!" Thus the generous Vaali blessed his brother Sugreeva.