On no account, according to ancient rule, could one refuse such an invitation.
The rishis therefore had to accept the invitation. To them Ilvala served as food his
brother Vaataapi cut up and cooked lusciously and after the unsuspecting guests had
the meat, the host would, according to
custom, ask the guests, "Are you satisfied?" The answer would be "Yes. We
are content." Then, IIvala would shout, "Vaataapi Come out!" And at the
call of l1vala, Vaataapi reunited into life would come out tearing the bowels of the
guests. Many rishis had to die in this way.
One day, Ilvala tried to play this trick on Agastya. As
usual, Vaataapi entered Agastya's entrails as meat. Agastya of course knew this, but he
was a devotee of Ganapati and had obtained the power to digest the raakshasa. |