"I see no cause for suspicion in the face or speech of this Raakshasa
suppliant. His care-free looks disclose a guiltless heart. The wise say that the face is a
perfect mirror of the heart. I think that Vibheeshana has come here honestly to seek
sanctuary at your feet. And there is nothing strange in his action. He knows Raavana's
real weakness. He knows that the lord of Lanka is fated to fall.
He knows too that you have slain Vaali and
given his kingdom to Sugreeva. Granting that his real motive is to secure for himself the
sovereignty of Lanka, there is nothing wrong in it and certainly it is a guarantee that he
will be loyal to us. Hence I feel that we should admit him."
The Vaanara chiefs thus differed in their views.
Kumbhakarna acted according to ordinary morality. This was a simple thing which everybody
could understand. But Vibheeshana followed a higher morality. The path he chose was more
difficult and likely to be blamed.
He knew (how could anyone else know?) his inward suffering
at the thought of Raavana's evil doings. Ordinary people could not sympathise with his
situation. Hence the Vaanaras failed to understand the conflict in his mind. Even today
people find it hard, without elaborate explanation, to appreciate Vibheeshana aright. |