"Not so,
my lady," said Vibheeshana, "the Prince's orders should be obeyed." So, after a bath and bedecked with jewels and seated in a palanquin,
Seeta went to the camp.
When he heard that Seeta was coming, Raama woke up from his
meditation. Events of the past rose like waves and battering against his mind threw it
into a wild commotion of shame, grief and joy.
As Seeta's palanquin was taken through the
great concourse of Vaanaras, they thronged round the princess and caused confusion. It was
made worse by the Vaanara leaders trying to push them aside and make way for the
"Let no one be kept away," said
Raama. "These dear Vaanaras have stood and suffered for me. Seeta will be pleased to
see me surrounded by such friends. Let no one be pushed away." |