According to the Hindu Shaastras, Nature itself, the sequence and chain of cause
and effect, the properties of matter, and the law of Karma, all are ordained permanently
by God.
Nature itself is a witness to God; He is
not proved by a suspension of the laws of nature. This is expounded clearly in the
9th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita:
"Under my supervision Nature gives
rise to all that exists movable and immovable-and the universe, evolves from this
This is put briefly by Vaalmeeki in the
speech of the ocean king. Maalyavaan, the aged Raakshasa, tried his best to impress
on Raavana the error of his ways. He said:
"Your time of good fortune is over. Your sins have
begun to bear their fruit and to dim your radiance. You can trust no longer the boons you
have obtained from the gods. Make peace with your enemies. Look at the army that has
arrived, the terrible host of Vaanaras and bears. Look at this wonderful cause way so
quickly built. It seems to me, this Raama is Vishnu himself come in human form." |