* There are some people who pose as critics of our holy books and
traditions saying, "This hero killed a woman. He insulted and injured a woman who
offered him her love. He killed Vaali from be hind, rather than face him and accept
honourable defeat. He unjustly banished Seeta to the forest at the end of all the
adventures. If the banishment of Seeta was riot unjust and if lie rightly suspected
Seeta's fidelity, why then, we too, must suspect her fidelity."
All such criticism is based on a
mentality of hatred. We have unfortunately plenty of barren, heartless cleverness, devoid
of true understanding. Let those who find faults in Raama see faults, and if these critics
faultlessly pursue dharma and avoid in their own lives the flaws they discover in
Raama, the bhaktas of Sri Raama will indeed welcome it with joy. If they exhibit the
virtues of Raama and add to these more virtues and greater flawlessness, who can complain? |