Unmoved alike by gratification or disappointment, Viswaamitra folded his hands in
adoration and asked the Father of the Universe if the boon meant conquest over the senses.
"By no means", said the Creator,
"but strive to subjugate the senses, tiger among munis!"
Resolved on the supreme conquest,
Viswaamitra entered on another thousand years of even harder tapas which threw the Devas
into even greater consternation.
Indra called unto him the celestial damsel
Rambha, and enjoined on her as a vital service to the Devas, to employ all her art to
bring Viswaamitra under the spell of her charm, and divert him from his purpose. She was
sorely afraid, but Indra assured her that she would not be left alone, but be accompanied
by the God of Love and the Spirit of Springtime would be with her for support. |