The Supplement To The Soma Sacrifice (Continued)
1. The Pavamana Stotras
iii. 2. 1.
He who sacrifices knowing the 'ascent' verses of the Pavamana (Stotras) mounts on the Pavamanas and is not cut off from the Pavamanas. 'Thou art the hawk, with the Gayatri for thy metre; I grasp thee; bring me over in safety. Thou art the eagle, with the Tristubh for thy metre; I grasp thee; bring me over in safety. Thou art the vulture, with the Jagati for thy metre; I grasp thee; bring me over in safety', he says.
These [1] are the ascents of the Pavamanas; he who knowing thus these sacrifices mounts on the Pavamanas, and is not cut off from the Pavamanas. He who knows the continuity of the Pavamana lives all his days; he does not die before his time; be becomes rich in cattle; he obtains offspring. The Pavamana cups are drawn off, but these are not drawn off by him, the wooden vessel, the stirring-vessel, and the vessel which holds the purified Soma. If he were to begin (the Stotra) without drawing them off, he would split the Pavamana [2], and with its being split the breath of the Adhvaryu would be split.
'Thou art taken with a support; to Prajapati thee!', (with these words) he should rub the wooden vessel; 'to Indra thee!', (with these words) the stirring-vessel; 'to the All-gods thee!', (with these words) the vessel which holds the purified Soma verily he renders continuous the Pavamana, he lives all his days; he does not die before his time; he becomes rich in cattle; he obtains offspring.