Prajapati desired, 'May I create offspring.' He did penance, he created serpents. He desired, 'May I create offspring.' He did penance a second time, he created birds.
He who sacrifices knowing the 'ascent' verses of the Pavamana (Stotras) mounts on the Pavamanas and is not cut off from the Pavamanas. 'Thou art the hawk, with the Gayatri for thy metre ....
O Agni, brilliant, be thou brilliant among the gods; make me brilliant, of long life, radiant among men; for the brilliance of consecration and of penance do I offer to thee.
The sacrifice of him whose offering is too large is unsuccessful; 'Surya, the god, for those that sit in the sky', he says; verily with the aid of Brhaspati and Prajapati he makes good the deficiency in the sacrifice.
Full behind, and full in front,
In the middle hath she of the full moon been victorious;
In her let the gods dwelling together
Rejoice here in the highest firmament.