Yet Suvrat did
not object nor call for help. He did not want to break the Vrata.However, the police
caught the thief later. and Suvrat got back the lost articles.
People dragged the thief to the king. The king wanted to punish the thief. But Suvrat
said to the king: "Lord, release the thief!"
The king released the thief as Suvrat requested.Later on the thief was reformed, and
became a good man.
Once a fire broke out in the city. Every body ran away in fright but Suvrat did not. To
everyone's surprise the fire did not harm him at all.
When Suvrat died, he went to heaven, because he had observed the Mauna-Ekadasi-vrata
very scrupulously.
Neminath is a great Saint in Jainism. Long ago he, asked all Jains to observe this Vrata.
Lord Mahavira too observed this Vrata.
Mauna-Ekadasi is a sacred day. A hundred and fifty holy days fall on this
one single day.
On this day, therefore, Jains observe complete silence.