Volume - IV
Major Sections
Culture Course


As the boy was getting on to be sixteen, Rishi Mrikandu became sadder and sadder. One day Markandeya asked his father: "Father, why do you look so sad?"

The rishi said, "Son! What shall I say? When God Siva gave you to me, he said you would live only sixteen years. You are now about to reach that age. How can Iand your mother bear to lose you as we will at the end of this year?"

Markandeya said, "Father! Is that the reason? God Siva is very kind to His devo- tees. You yourself told me that. He has saved many from death before. I haveread about it in the Puranas. I shall therefore worship God Siva day and night from today. I am sure, He will save -me too! "

Rishi Mrikandu was very happy to hear his son say this. He blessed his son.

Markandeya built a Siva-Linga at a spot on the sea-shore. He started worshippingGod Siva morning, noon and night. He sang bhajans, and often danced in joy.

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