They believe
that those who do not give alms on this day will not go to heaven after death. After giving alms, they go to the house of the Kazi or the Chief
Priest, and request him to conduct the prayers. Then they all go together in procession to
the chosen spot, and offer their prayers.
After the congregational prayer, the Kazi speaks on
religion, and finally prays to God to forgive them their sins and bless them all with
health, wealth and prosperity.
At the end of the prayer, they all go with the preacher
back to his house.
Afterwards they visit their friends and relatives, have a
feast and go shopping in the festive bazaar. Generally, the Id is a day on which one
expresses ones good will for all.
When greeting each other they say "Id Mubarak".
It means. 'Happy Id'. They also send Id greeting cards, asthe Hindus send Diwali and
New Year greeting cards. |