Volumes - VI
Major Sections
Culture Course


With the help of a disciple called Kurattalwar, Ramanuja wrote three books on Vedanta: Vedantasara, Vedanta sangraha and Vedanta Deepa. Then he wrote tow more books explaining the Brahmasutras and the Bhagavad Gita. The former is called Sri Bhashya. Goddess Saraswati herself is said to have approved of it.

Kurattalwar had a son by name Parasara Bhattar. Ramanuja made him explain the meaning of the various names of the Lord in Vishnu Sahasranama. He made his cousin Pillan write on the meaning of the hymns of the Alvars.

All the three of Ramanuja’s promises to his Guru were thus fulfilled. He became famous and many people came to pay him homage.

He went on a pilgrimage to holy places. Towards the end he name the disciples who were to continue his teachings, and departed from this world in his 120th year.

The school of philosophy taught by him is known as Visishtadvaita.

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