Actually one
day Sri Ramakrishna worshipped her as the Mother Goddess Herself. From that time Saradamani became as holy as her husband. Later on,
people called her the Holy Mother.
Sri Ramakrshinas first Guru was one Bhairavi
Brahmani. His second Guru was Tota Puri. From him Sri Ramakrishna learnt true Advaita.
Advaita means that there are really no two beings or things; all are one and that is God.
Sri Ramakrishna lived the life of a Mohamedan and found
that Allah was the same One God as Rama or Krishna. He lived the life of a Christian and
found that Christ too was the son of the same One God as Rama or Krishna.
From his experience Sri Ramakrishna taught: "God is
only one. He appears in many forms. He is the same God of whom the Vedas speak. Man can go
to Him through Bhakti or love, Gnana or knowledge or Karma or good actions." |