Major Sections




Preface of the Culture Course Volume - VII Book


Some important prayer regarding Goddess Saraswathi


Satyakama The Truthful

Nachiketas The Courageous

One day a young boy came to the ashrama of Sage Gautama and said:"Holy sire, I want to get the sacred knowledge by serving you."


Of all knowldge,. that of the Atman of Self is the highest.  so say the Upanishads.


Uma The Golden Goddess

Birth of Raghu

Once a rishi was imparting to his students spirtual knowledge.When  a lesson was over, students were free to ask questions on the day's lesson.   


Sri Rama is often called Raghupati or Raghava.  It is because he was a descendant of King Raghu who ruled this country.




Indra is the King of the Devas and Brihaspati is his Acharya or preceptor.  One day, when Brihaspati came to his court, Indra did not rise from his seat  to receive him. 


Karna is a great hero of mahabharata war.  The Karna means ear.  Since he was born with Kundalas or ear ornaments, he was known as karna.



Marcus Aurelius

Vidura was the third brother of Dhritarashtra, Pandu being  the second.  It is said that God Dharma himself took birth in  the form of Vidura.


Rome is the capital city of a country called Italy.  It is far away from India.  The people of that country were called Romans in olden days.




St.paul was one of the early preachers of christianity. He lived in the first centruy A.D. Scuh early preachers were called Apostles.


Vidyaranya was a great scholar-saint who lived in the fourteenth century.  After Adi Sankaracharya, he was an important person who did a lot for the preservation of hinduism and the spread of   the Vedas. 


Sri Ramakrishna


There have been manu great saints in our country.  Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is one of them.  We call a very  great saint a Parama hamsa.


Swami Vivekananda was great preacher, prophet and patriot. He was the foremost disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Parama hamsa.




The word Samskara means a purifying ceremony.  The rishis  of ancient India have prescribed many Samskaras for a man from his birth to death.     


Every one of us must have a goal in life.  Otherwise life will become aimless.  It will be like a ship that has no rudder.


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