Volume - VIII
Major Sections
Culture Course


He has written a book called Pancha Siddhantika. In that book he has collected all earlier knowledge of astronomy. There are five works of astronomy in this book. They are Paitamaha, Vasishtha, Romaka,
Paulisa and Saura -Siddhantas.

In Romaka and Paulisa Siddhantas our ancient rishis have explained the views of Greek and Alexandrian astronomers.

Varahamihira wrote other books. Of these, Brihat Samhita and Brihat Jataka are most famous. These are astrology books.

Saura or Soorya Siddhanta is a much older work on astronomy. Much of our present- day knowledge in astronomy is derived from it.

There have been many brilliant     mathematicians in our country in later years too. Their works are generally named Siddhantas. In our own century there was Ramanujam. He was a brilliant mathematician. He died early.

Even today there are some Indians who are famous in astronomy and allied subjects.

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