Volume - VIII
Major Sections
Culture Course


Young hearts and minds not yet warped by the harsher realities of life and the deadening climate of an age characterized by a technological avalanche and a soulless materialism, have to be provided with right mental and spiritual food and nourishment from infancy. They should be enabled to gradually learn, appreciate and absorb our tradition, history and culture.

The late Kulapati Munshiji felt that the first concrete step in this direction would be to prepare a series of graded Culture Course Text Books for Standards I to XI, suited to the, caliber and assimilative capacity of different age-groups among our children.

A munificent donation of Rs. I lake from the Mahalakshmi Temple Trust, Bombay, through Shri J. M. Barot, its Managing Trustee, enabled the Bhavan to translate this long-cherished dream of Kulapatiji into a reality.

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