" This is
quite a different statements then "There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his
final prophet," or "Jesus is the only Son of God," which the great majority
of Muslims and Christians believe. For this reason Hinduism has maintained a broad and
comprehensive spiritual approach and has not become a proselytizing ideology. While Hinduism states that there is good in all religions as in all
people, this does not mean that it has no conscience that the rest of the world needs to
hear. Its critique of missionary movements, materialist ideologies (including communism),
its defense of indigenous peoples and their cultures, its defense of the Earth and of
animals, provides Hinduism a crucial voice today when our planet is being overrun by
economic and ideological interests which are threatening its very life. Ram Swarup has found this Hindu conscience and is willing to
proclaim it to the world, which is sadly in need of its message. |