The so-called
militant Hindu fundamentalists are seldom really militant or fundamentalist, but simply a
voice of political dissent. The so called secular liberals include corrupt politicians
sustaining themselves by various vote banks through promoting social Davison along
religious and caste lines the very things they accuse the Hindu groups of doing.
Each country, like each person, has a soul and a destiny. India has her soul and its
destiny, which is to be a land of religion freedom and spiritual practices. Unless a
person lives up to their soul value or Dharma, he or she cannot be successful or happy in
life. The same is true of a country. It is not the soul or Dharma of India to become
another Westernized economic giant, which is not to say that India needs to remain poor.
It is not her Dharma to become another communist land, and
communism is already a thing of the past. Nor is it her Dharma to adapt an exclusive
religious belief like that of Islam or Christianity, which claim that order religions are
false, inferior or our of date. Above all, it is not India's Dharma to slavishly imitate
the West in culture, mind or religion. |