Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The Modern World
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Books By David Frawley
The ancient sages of India did not confine themselves to the inner teachings only. They made their comments about society and about other religions. They produced various Dharam Sutras or teachings regarding one's conduct in the world. Modern teachers who wrote on social issues include Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Rama Tirtha and Ganapati Muni who provided the inspiration for what I have attempted. 

While I certainly don't wish to compare myself to such great personages, the point is that such a tradition is also important and sadly neglected today.   Knowing Sanskrit, traveling widely in India and meeting people of all backgrounds, I have seen the tremendous ignorance and misconceptions many intentional) that have been created about the role of Hinduism and various Hindu groups even in India.

People today rely on second hand information, mainly through the news media or from academic sources, which are generally unsympathetic and inaccurate, and so the picture they get is highly distorted and requires an alternative. Seeing this I have been compelled to speak out.

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