Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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Individuals in
the West who have true spiritual aspiration often fail to go far because there is nothing
in their culture that supports them. Most of the rest of the world is confined in the
sterility of a materialistic and intellectual culture, or that of dogmatic and exclusive
religions, either of which is a desert for the soul. Without the waters of a true
spiritual culture the soul of humanity is likely to remain barren.
Hindus need to stop dividing their culture from its higher spiritual traditions. There is
no conflict between Vedantic philosophy and Hindu ritualistic and devotional forms. In
fact it is the latter that have provided the ground in which the former is able to
grow. Hindus should no longer deny the
integrality of yogic spirituality and Hindu culture, but rather show it as a model for the
integration of Yoga into other cultures. This does not mean that Hindus should try
to impose their cultural forms on others, which is not their tendency anyway, but they
should share them and allow others to use them. |
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