Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
Pluralism and the Clash of Different Paths

A pluralistic religious view accepts that there are many different religious paths. These paths have various degrees of differences between them, some perhaps minor, some perhaps major. Different paths will appeal to different individuals relative to their varying temperaments or levels of development, which are bound to be diverse and ever changing. Some of these paths may be good or noble; others may be naive or perhaps even despicable.

Some may appeal to a low level of religious temperament; others may appeal to a high level of spiritual realization.  A pluralistic view does not seek to force these paths into any preconceived harmony or bar people from following paths that are not good or exalted. It does not attempt to police the paths, but rather to sustain the freedom that prevents any one path from imposing itself upon all as the final truth. In pluralism there is no final judgment on these different paths. Each person is allowed their own opinion of what they think is best.

The freedom to follow a path is as important as what any path may be. A pluralistic view does not bar either disagreement or debate between different paths. It allows people to critically examine and choose between different paths to find out what is valid for them on an individual basis. In fact a pluralistic view encourages free and critical discussion and does not place religions, like sovereign nations, outside the sphere of examination as if anything called a religious faith could no longer be questioned.

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About A Hindu call For Religious Pluralism
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