Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


Those who make the charge of idolatry against such use of images only demonstrate their ignorance of symbolic language and mythology. Not surprisingly, strongly aniconic traditions are usually opposed to mysticism altogether, and have stifled art as well.

Such a worshipper of images was Paramahansa Ramakrishna, whom many Westerners have been inspired by. Ramakrishna was a priest at a Hindu temple and worshipped the Divine Mother in the form of Kali, who has a terrible form replete with fangs and a garland of skulls. Let those who are opposed to the use of images show among their members a being of such spiritual realization of Ramakrishna.

We should note that religions that use images have not historically been more violent or sensual than those who deny them. Hindu and Buddhist communities contain a strong ascetic tradition, as well as an emphasis on non-violence, even though these traditions use images.

Image-denying religions, on the other hand, have been guilty of violence and destruction perpetuated in the name of destroying idols and converting heathens and infidels through various crusades and holy wars. The non-use of images has obviously not increased our human sensitivity or respect for other cultures.


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About Idolatry And Dogmatism : The Veils Of Maya
Idolatry And Dogmatism..Pg1
Idolatry And Dogmatism..Pg2
Hinduism and Idolatry.Pg1
Hinduism and Idolatry.Pg2
Hinduism and Idolatry.Pg3
Hinduism and Idolatry.Pg4
Icons and Idols.Pg1
Icons and Idols.Pg2
Belief as  Idolatry.Pg1
Belief as Idolatry.Pg2
The Idolatry of a Name
Emotion in the Depiction of God.Pg1
Emotion in the Depiction of God.Pg2
Idolatry and Art
The Idolatry of a Person
Idolatry and Dogmatism