I Became A Hindu - My Discovery Of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
One might also ask, What would
an American or a Westerner have to lose by becoming a Hindu? You would have to give up exclusive
beliefs that say that there is only one true God, prophet, savior or
scripture. You would have to become
reconciled to your pagan ancestors and respect their way of life.
You would have to accept pluralism in religion. You would
to bring spirituality into your daily life through some form of
prayer, chanting, study, contemplation or meditation. But
wouldnt have to stop thinking, or cease to be open to the
truth. You wouldnt need to restrict yourself to any creed or
dogma. Above all, you wouldnt have to give yourself
away in the process. You would need only to strive to understand yourself at a deeper
and universal level.
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