How I Became A Hindu - My
Discovery of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
importantly, Hinduism is a great spiritual path with yogic traditions of meditation,
devotion and insight, in which religion in the outer sense of ritual and prayer is only
secondary. Its wealth of teachings on mantra, meditation, prana, kundalini, chakras and
Self-realization is perhaps unparalleled in the world. Because of
its cultural and spiritual sides some people say that Hinduism is not a religion but a way
of life. Yet though it is a way of life Hinduism is also a religion in the sense that it
teaches about God and the soul, karma and liberation, death and immortality. It has its
holy books, temples, pilgrimage sites, and monastic orders like other major world
religions. Hindus have a deep faith in their religion and its traditions.
Thousands if not millions of Hindus have died for their religion in the
many holy wars that have targeted them over the last thousand years. They refused to
convert even when faced with threats of death and torture. Both Christianity and Islam
found converting Hindus to be particularly difficult, not because Hindus responded to
assaults on their religion with force, but because their faith in their own religion and
its great yogis was unshakeable.
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