Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
What would cause the proto-Aryans
to move, and in so many directions, to Europe, the Middle East and
India? Generally when groups migrate it is in one direction. People
do not abandon their homelands and move in all directions with such
fury without a reason, particularly nomadic people who are wedded
to their territory.
How could the primitive Aryans have been so successful in
conquering the civilizations of the world from Greece to India, as well
as imposing much of their culture, or at least language, on older and
more sophisticated civilizations? Language, after all, is the most
difficult aspect of culture to change. Many countries, for example, Europe under Christianity or Iran
and Pakistan under Islam, have changed their religion but not their
language. How could the primitive Aryans be so successful at doing
this, when they were not only less sophisticated but less numerous
than the peoples they overran as well as illiterate?
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Mechanics Of The Aryan Invasion |