Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
In the Brahmanas and Mahabharata
the Sarasvati is said to flow in a desert and in the latter does not
even reach the sea. The Sarasvati as a river is later replaced by the
Ganges and is almost forgotten in Puranic literature. The stages of the
drying up of the river can be traced in Vedic literature showing the
Vedic people did not merely come at the last phase of the river's life.
The existence of the Sarasvati as a great river was unknown until recent
land studies. The very fact that the Vedic Sarasvati was traditionally
only identified with a minor desert stream was previously regarded as
proof of the invasion theory under the surmise that as the Vedic original river had no real counterpart
in India, its real location must have been in another country like Afghanistan. Now that the great
Indian Sarasvati has been found that evidence has been countered.
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The Rediscovery Of The Sarasvati River |