After that, conches, kettledrums, cymbals, drums, and
trumpets were sounded together. The commotion was tremendous. (1.13)
Then Lord Krishna and Arjuna, seated in a grand
chariot yoked with white horses, blew their celestial conches. (1.14)
Krishna blew His conch, Paanchajanya; Arjuna blew his
conch, Devadatta; and Bheema, the doer of formidable deeds, blew (his) big conch,
Paundra. (1.15)
The son of Kunti, King Yudhishthira, blew (his conch)
Anantavijaya, while Nakula and Sahadeva blew Sughosha and Manipushpaka
conches, respectively. (1.16)
The King of Kaashi, the mighty archer; Shikhandi, the
great warrior; Dhristadyumna, Viraata, and the invincible Saatyaki; (1.17)
King Drupada, and the sons of Draupadi; the mighty son
of Subhadraa; all of them blew their respective conches, O lord of the earth. (1.18)