If you are unable even to do any
Sadhana, then be intent on performing your duty for Me. You shall
attain perfection just by working for Me (as an instrument, just to
serve and please Me, without selfish motives). (See also 9.27,
18.46) (12.10)
If you are unable to work for Me then
just surrender unto My will with subdued mind, and renounce
(the attachment to, and the anxiety for) the fruits of all work (by
learning to accept all results, as God-given, with equanimity).
Knowledge is better than mere
ritualistic practice, meditation is better than mere
knowledge, renunciation of the fruit of work is better than
meditation, peace immediately follows the renunciation of (the
attachment to) the fruit of work. (See more on renunciation in
Chapter 18) (12.12)