The Purusha associating with Prakriti (or matter),
enjoys the Gunas of Prakriti. Attachment to the Gunas (due to ignorance caused by previous Karma) is the
cause of the birth of Jeevaatma in good and evil wombs. (13.21)
Jeevaatma or Jeeva is defined as Atma accompanied by
the subtle (or astral) body consisting of the six sensory faculties and vital forces;
the living entity; the individual soul enshrined in the physical body. The
Supreme Spirit in the body is also called the witness, the guide, the
supporter, the enjoyer, and the great Lord or Paramaatma. (13.22)
They who truly understand Purusha and Prakriti with
its Gunas are not born again regardless of their mode of life. (13.23)