Bhagwad Gita : Lesson
Major Sections
The spirit (or Atma) associates with matter and becomes Jeeva or the individual soul and experiences  joys and sorrows. The attachment to material objects, due to ignorance caused by Maya, is the cause of Jeeva's birth in good and evil wombs. (13.21)

The one who can perceive the imperishable spirit dwelling within all perishable living beings truly under- stands. (13.27)

They who grasp the difference between matter and spirit understand that creation is non-different from the creator, and discover the process of liberation of soul from the bondage of body with the help of the yogas of Karma,Jnaana, Bhakti, and Dhyaana. (13.34)

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Chapter 12 discusses Bhakti yoga and deity worship and gives certain good qualities or values that a Bhakta has, and by developing those qualities one can become a Bhakta. Chapter 13 gives a universal value system, talks about the creation and the creator, and the paths leading to nirvana.

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About Creation And The Creator