Bhagwad Gita : Lesson
Major Sections
After renouncing the feeling of doership or egotism, violence, pride, lust, anger, and desire for possession; one becomes fit for attaining oneness with Brahman. (18.53)

By devotion one truly understand what and who I am in essence. After knowing Me in essence, one immediately merges into Me. The Vedas say that the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman. (18.55)

Mentally offer all actions to Me and be devoted to Me. Be calm and always fix your mind on Me. Everything we use or eat should be first offered to God before using or eating. (18.57)

The Lord dwells in the heart of all beings, and causes everybody to work out their Karma by His power of Maya as if they are puppets (of Karma) mounted on a machine. (18.61)

DEVOTION to God. DUTY, DISCIPLINE, and DEVOTION are the three Ds of Gita to be learned, remembered, and practiced. You may form a Gita study group in your area with our help.

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