Janaka and others attained nirvana (or Self-Realization) by
Karma-yoga alone. You should also perform your duty with a view to
help the society and set an example for others. The universal
welfare or working for a noble cause (as a hobby) is the true
service to God. (3.20)
The wise one should not disturb the mind
of the ignorant persons who work with selfish motives to enjoy the
fruits of work. The wise should inspire them by setting example of
working for the benefit of the whole society and not just for one's
own family. (3.26)
All works are being really done by the
power and energy of God in accordance with His laws, but, due to
ignorance of spiritual knowledge we think that we are the doer. (We
are just an instrument in the hands of the divine power) (3.27)
Do your duty and dedicate all works to
God with a spiritual frame of mind; and become free from desire,
ego, and mental grief. (3.30)
Likes and dislikes for material objects
and sensual pleasures remain in our senses. Let no one come under
the grip of likes and dislikes, because, they are two great
stumbling blocks on the path of God-realization. (Likes and dislikes
are destroyed when one discovers the worthlessness of material
pleasures, and develops detachment for it after the onset of
Jnaana). (3.34)