four types of virtuous people worship Me, O Arjuna. They are: the
distressed, the seeker of Self- knowledge, the seeker of wealth, and
the wise who knows the Supreme. (There is nothing wrong in praying
to God for health, wealth, and Jnaana) (7.16)
The wise surrender to Me by realizing
(after many births) that everything in the universe and the
worldis nothing but a manifestation of Brahman. Such a great soul is
very rare. The Vedas declare that all this
universe is
nothing but Brahman. (7.19)
People worship the deity with faith and
fulfill the wishes through the deity. I am the one who really
fulfills those wishes through the deity. The image of deity helps to
draw God's power. (7.22)
The ignorant does not know God as the
unborn and eternal. Human intellect cannot comprehend the
transcendental form and personality of Brahman. (7.25).
Brahman appears in the form of great
souls such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahaaveer, Jesus, Muhammad,
Nanaka and many other great teachers from time to time.