Several meditation techniques have been
mentioned in the Gita. Powerful and sacred techniques used by the
sages can be given, without any fee or charge of any kind, to those
sincere seekers who have seriously studied these lessons or the
Bhagavad-Gita; are trying to practice Yama and Niyama by
thought, word, and deed; an sincerely request it. We have just
given a glance of a three part meditation technique
in verse 6.13 for the students, in general, of this course.
The American Gita Society charges
no fee for its services and solicits no donation
from the students of his course in keeping with the beautiful Vedic
tradition. Please call (510/791-6953 on Mondays between 6 and 8 PM,
California time) or write to us for help or guidance. Please enclose
a self addressed-stamped envelope for any prompt reply.