Gita Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to get up and fight. This may
create a confusion of the principles of Ahimsaa if the
background of the war of Mahaabhaarata is not kept in mind.
Therefore, a brief historical description is in order. In ancient
times there was a king who had two sons, Dhritaraashtra and Paandu.
The former was born blind, therefore,
Paandu inherited the kingdom. Paandu had five sons. They were called
the Paandavas. Dhritaraashtra had one hundred
sons. They were called the Kauravas. Duryodhana was the
eldest of the Kauravas. After the death of king Paandu, the
Paandavas became the lawful king.
Duryodhana was a very jealous person. He
also wanted the kingdom. The kingdom was divided into two halves
between the Paandavas and the Kauravas.
Duryodhana was not satisfied with his share of the kingdom. He
wanted the entire kingdom for himself. He unsuccessfully planned
several foul plays to kill the Paandavas and take away
their kingdom.