Bhagwad Gita
Major Sections


That man I love! Who troubled not his kind, And is not troubled by them; clear of wrath, Living too high for gladness, grief, or fear, That man I love! Who, dwelling quiet-eyed, Stainless, serene, well-balanced, unperplexed, Working with Me, yet  from all works detached, That man I love!

Who, fixed in faith on Me, Dotes upon none, scorns none; rejoices not, And grieves not, letting good or evil hap Light when it will, and when it will depart, That man I love! Who, unto friend and foe Keeping an equal heart, with equal mind Bears shame and glory; with an equal peace Takes heat and cold, pleasure and pain; abides Quit of desires, hears praise or calumny In passionless restraint, unmoved by each; Linked by no ties to earth, steadfast in Me, That man I love!

But most of all I love Those happy ones to whom 'tis life to live In single fervid faith and love unseeing, Drinking the blessed Amrit of my Being! 

HERE ENDETH CHAPTER XII OF THE BHAGAVAD-GITA, Entitled "Bhaktiyog," Or "The Book of the Religion of Faith."

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