Bhagwad Gita
Major Sections
Conceited, fond, Stubborn and proud, dead-drunken with the wine Of wealth, and reckless, all their offerings Have but a show of reverence, being not made In piety of ancient faith.

Thus vowed  To self-hood, force, insolence, feasting, wrath, These My  blasphemers, in the forms they wear And in the forms they breed, my foemen are, Hateful and hating; cruel, evil, vile, Lowest and least of men, whom I cast down  Again, and yet again, at end of lives, Into some devilish womb, whence- birth by birth- The devilish wombs re-spawn them, all beguiled; And, till they find  and worship Me, sweet Prince! Tread they that Nether Road.

The Doors of Hell Are threefold, whereby men to ruin pass,- The door of Lust, the door of Wrath, the door Of Avarice. Let a man shun those three! He who shall turn aside from entering All those three gates of Narak,
wended straight To find his peace, and comes to Swarga's gate.

HERE ENDETH CHAPTER XVI OF THE BHAGAVAD-GITA, Entitled "Daivasarasaupadwibhagayog," Or "The Book of the Separateness of the Divine and Undivine."

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