And- as thou wilt- then act! Nay! but once more Take My last
word, My utmost meaning have! Precious thou art to Me; right
well-beloved! Listen! tell thee for thy comfort this. Give Me thy
heart! adore Me! serve Me! cling In faith and love and reverence to
Me! So shalt thou come to Me!
I promise true, For thou art sweet to Me!
And let go those- Rites and writ duties! Fly to Me alone! Make Me
thy single refuge! will free Thy soul from all its sins! Be of good
cheer! [Hide, the holy Krishna saith, This from him that hath
no faith, Him that worships not, nor seeks Wisdom's teaching when
she speaks: Hide it from all men who mock;
But, wherever, 'mid the flock Of My
lovers, one shall teach This divinest, wisest, speech-
Teaching in the faith to bring Truth to them, and offering Of all
honour unto Me- Unto Brahma cometh he! Nay, and nowhere shall ye
find Any man of all mankind Doing dearer deed for Me; Nor shall any
dearer be In My earth. Yea, furthermore, Whoso reads this converse
o'er, Held by Us upon the plain, Pondering piously and fain, He hath
paid Me sacrifice! (Krishna speaked
in this wise!)