with him, great Prince! Whose senses are not swayed by things of
sense- Only with him who holds his mastery, Shows wisdom perfect.
What is midnight-gloom To unenlightened souls shines wakeful day To
his clear gaze; what seems as wakeful day Is known for night, thick
night of ignorance, To his true-seeing eyes.
Such is the Saint! And like the ocean,
day by day receiving Floods from all lands, which never overflows;
Its boundary-line not leaping, and not leaving, Fed by the rivers,
but unswelled by those;- So is the perfect one! to his soul's ocean
The world of sense pours streams of witchery, They leave him as they
find, without commotion, Taking their tribute, but remaining sea.
Yea! whoso, shaking off the yoke of flesh
Lives lord, not servant, of his lusts; set free From pride, from
passion, from the sin of "Self," Toucheth tranquility! O Pritha's Son! That is the state of Brahm! There
rests no dread When that last step is reached! Live where he will,
Die when he may, such passed from all 'plaining, To
blest Nirvana, with the Gods, attaining.
BHAGAVAD-GITA, Entitled "Sankhya-Yog," Or "The Book
of Doctrines."