The Myth Of The Aryan Invasion Of India |
A well researched book by the author, Dr. David Frawley. This and other books by Dr. Frawley and his coworkers have done more to demolish the long held theory that the hoards of Aryans invaded India.
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Ancient India's Contribution To World Culture |
India is not just an ancient civilization that made strides in philosophy and religion. This book, by Shree Sudheer Birodkar chronicles the contribution of India in the fields ranging from science to mathematics to medicine and arts, literature, architecture and more ....
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Indus Saraswati Civilization |
Dr. Kalyanraman, the author of this book has published original work, spanning hundreds of pages on Indus and Saraswati civilization, this monumental work is available in our library of Hindu History. Here is a smaller book, on the same subject.
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Bharatiya Histography |
This monograph is published with an object in mind. Shri Sriram Sathe, Organiser, Bharateeya Itihasa Sankalana Yojana, south and west India, gave lectures in a number of universities and colleges regarding the assessment of chronology of ancient Indian history and historiography.
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Initial Muslim Invasions And Of Later Regimes Of Sultans And Badshahs |
This volume represents only a small cross-section of the vast number of Muslim chronicles, chronicles that have recorded the fiendish deeds of Islamic raiders and rulers for over a millennium in India alone. This amounts to a sickening tale of unrelieved and uninterrupted trickery, treachery, tyranny, torture, terror, temptation and taxation.
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Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD) |
The following chapters... National Perspective on Indian History, Arab Failure in Sindh, Kabul and Zabul, Frustration of the Ghaznavids, Perfidy Wins Where Valour Failed, Perfidy Wins Where Valour Failed and The Nature of National Frontiers, Book written by Sita Ram Goel.
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