How To Conduct Puja To Ganapati
Major Sections
How To Conduct Puja


What good comes of dwelling on one’s own faults and flaws? How difficult it may be to overcome through sheer willpower some problem or some attachment. How simple it is to just immerse oneself in the practice of puja and of Bhakti Yoga.

As your heart melts in love of God, love toward all and compassion for all beings begins to dawn; one’s own selfish desires and preoccupations will fall away.

I am really delighted that our beloved Dr. A.V. Srinivasan has brought forth this wonderful series "How to Conduct Puja." Let these booklets inspire you to conduct puja on a daily basis in your home and to impart these traditions to your children.

Let us maintain our sacred traditions and spiritual practices because truly they hold the key to peace and success in life. I congratulate Dr. A.V. Srinivasan for his noble efforts and send my best wishes and blessings to all the readers.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti. 

By Sri Swami Satchidananda.

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