How To Conduct Puja To Ganapati
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How To Conduct Puja


There isn’t a Hindu who does not recognize instantly the most revered God Mahaaganapati. Irrespective of the region of India, irrespective of one’s special affiliation to any aspect of Hindu religion, Hindus offer their first prayer by invoking and worshipping Mahaaganapati, the Lord of obstacles, before any auspicious tasks are undertaken.

Even westerners who have little exposure to Hinduism know the "elephant-headed" God. It is a common Hindu belief that the first prayers must be offered to Mahaaganapati seeking His blessings to proceed so that the rest of the mission may proceed smoothly and without incident. For example, most concerts of Indian classical music begin with a composition in praise of Mahaaganapati.

A common feature in this series of booklets is a prayer to Mahaaganapati immediately after setting up the altar and before beginning the prayers proper for the deity being worshipped. Lord Ganapati occupies a very special place in the hearts of Hindus and it is rare indeed to find a Hindu household that does not have a picture or statue of this Godhead.

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