How To Conduct Puja To Ramachandra
How To Conduct Puja

Ashraddhayaa hutam dattam tapastaptam kritamcha yath
asad ityuchyate Partha na cha tat pretya no iha

Whatever is sacrificed, offered or performed and whatever austerity is practiced without faith, it is falsehood, Oh Arjuna. And further, it is of no value either here or hereafter.  With faith as foundation, we can begin to develop the practice of worshipping a god/goddess of our choice. However we need to understand and follow a systematic procedure.

Further we need to create an environment in order to immerse ourselves in bhakti. This is precisely the With faith as foundation, we can begin to develop the practice of worshipping a god/goddess of our choice. However we need to understand and follow a systematic procedure.

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