We cannot
sufficiently emphasize the powerful suggestion that is so easily and
so often ignored. Krishna’s warning is that we should never engage
in a puja ceremony or any other ritual if our heart and mind are not
singularly devoted to it. It should not be performed merely because
it is the family tradition or it is the "right thing" to
do or to satisfy someone else.
The best reason is
the most direct and simple reason and that is to surrender to God to
seek His protection and pray for inner peace from the eternal
conflicts that afflict humanity. Let us simply resolve to pray to
Him to grant us the wisdom to have faith in Him and with that faith
seek His infinite grace so that we can live a dhaarmic life full of
joy and freedom as we serve Him and the society at large.
With faith as foundation, we can
begin to develop the practice of worshipping a God/Goddess of our
choice. However we need to understand and follow a systematic
procedure. Further we need to create an environment in order to
immerse ourselves in bhakti.