gangecha yamunechaiva godaavari saraswati
narmadua sindhu kaaveri jalehsmin sannidhim kuru
Ganga, Yamuna, Godaavari, Saraswati,
Narmada, Sindhu and Kaaveri waters, please present yourselves
in this holy place
Now that we have received the sacred waters, it is time to symbolically cleanse your hands by offering a spoonful
(uddharane) of water into the hands of the principals by wiping the hands with reverence, and chanting
apavitrah pavitrovaa sarvauvasthaam gatopivaa
yahsmareth pundareekoaksham bahynabhyantarah
May anything unholy become holy, may all lower
tendencies depart cleansing both inside and out as
we remember the Lotus-eyed