Now we are ready to invoke Rama and offer
Upachaaraas (reception with reverence). With
folded hands focus on the picture of the deity as
you chant the following:
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Prabramhane Namaha
I offer my salutations to the Supreme Being
SreeRamachandra in the company of
Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatruggna and
Hanumaan |
Now offer a few grains of akshata with your right
hand such that the grains fall on the
picture gently
as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
aavaahanam samarpayaami
I offer an invocation to you |
Offer akshata as before such that the grains fall
on the altar as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
aasanam samarpayaami
I offer a seat for you |
Offer an uddharana-full of water at the feet of the
deity or picture as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
paadyam samarpayaami
I offer water to your feet |
Offer an uddharana-full of water to the hands of
the deity or picture as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
arghyam samarpayaami
I offer water to your hands |
Offer again an uddharana-full of water to the hands
of the deity or picture as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
aachamaneeyam samarpayaami
I offer water to quench thirst |
Offer some sweet drink as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
madhuparkam samarpayaami
I offer some sweet drink |
Symbolically offer water to bathe or pour water
over the deity to bathe as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
shuddhodakasnaanam samarpayaami
I offer clean water to bathe |
Offer again an uddharana-full of water to the hands
of the deity or picture as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
snanaanantaram aachamaneeyam samarpayaami
I offer water to drink after the bath |
Symbolically offer a clean piece of cloth to represent
gifts of clothing
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
vastraan samarpayaami
I offer clothing |
Symbolically offer a clean piece of string to
represent a new yagnopaveet
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
upaveetam samarpayaami
I offer a new yagnopaveet |
Apply to the forehead some sandal paste
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
gandhaan dhaarayaami
I offer sandal paste |
Offer some akshata
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
akshataan samarpayaami
I offer akshata |
Offer flowers or petals of flowers to the picture or
the deity go
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
pushpaani samarpayaami
I offer flowers in worship |
With folded hands chant the several names of Rama
Om Ramaaya namaha, Raamabhadraaya namaha,
Ramachandraaya namaha, jathavedhase namaha,
Raghunaathaaya namaha, Sitapathaye namaha |
Salutations to Rama,
Salutations to the haven of security,
Salutations to the moon of delight,
Salutations to the all-knowing,
Salutations to the Lord of the Raghu clan,
Salutations to the husband of Sita
Offer incense by motioning incense smoke with your right hand towards the altar.
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
dhoopam aaghrapayaami
I offer fragrance in worship |
Lift the lamp and show it to the picture or deity
such that it illuminates the face
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
deepam darshayaami
I offer sacred light |
Lift the plate of fruits, leaves and flowers in
reverence and offer them
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
naanaavidha parimala patra phala
pushpaani samarpayaami
I offer a variety of flowers, leaves and fruits |
Now lift the cover off the sweets/prasaadam and
offer it as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha
naivedyam nivedayaami
I offer delicious food to you |
Sprinkle a few drops of water with the uddharana
on the food as you chant
praanaaya swaahaa, apaanaaya swaahaa,
vyaanaaya swaahaa, udaanaaya swaahaa,
samaanaaya swaahaa, brahmane swaahaa |
These are hails to the various wind elements in the body which promote digestion. The final
hail to the creator Brahma. Continue to offer water as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namaha madhye madhye
aachamaneeyam samarpayaami
I offer more water as you partake the foods |
Offer a coin as you chant
Om Sree Seeta Lakshmana Bharata Shatruggna
Hanumatsameta SriRaamachandra
Parabramhane Namahasuvarna pushpam samarpayaami
I offer gold to you |
This completes the Upachaaraas.